Lithuania faces EU sanctions over cap on land ownership
Forest (associative image) / E. Blaževič/LRT
The European Commission may launch an infringement procedure against Lithuania because of its cap on forest ownership, the Environment Ministry has said.
Under the current law, passed by the previous parliament, one person is not allowed to purchase more than 1,500 hectares of forest land. That, according to the European Commission, may represent restriction on the free movement of capital, one of the pillars of the European Union.
The Commission has asked for an explanation from Lithuania, it said in a press release on Tuesday.
1-2 tons of oil leak from Lithuania s Butinge terminal, move towards Latvia 2020-12-28 LETA/BNS/TBT Staff
VILNIUS/RIGA – An oil leak has been reported on Monday at Lithuania s Butinge Terminal owned by Polish-capital oil import and processing company Orlen Lietuva (Orlen Lithania). The fact has been confirmed to BNS by the commander of Lithuania s Maritime Rescue Coordination Center.
Environment Minister Simonas Gentvilas says the oil stain is moving into the open sea towards Latvia, which has also been confirmed to BNS by a representative of the Environmental Protection Department.
According to Gentvilas, the stain now covers an approximate a.