HALIFAX Almost five years after Afghanistan war veteran Lionel Desmond killed three family members and himself, an inquiry is expected to draw to a close next month in Nova Scotia with questions still lingering about what it can accomplish.
OTTAWA This past June, Marie-Paule Doucette was asked if she felt she had enough time to help Lionel Desmond in the months leading up to Jan. 3, 2017 theā¦
When they were first elected to power in 2015, the Liberals promised that Veterans Affairs case managers would not be assigned more than 25 ill and injured veterans. However, this target has not been met.
OTTAWA - This past June, Marie-Paule Doucette was asked if she felt she had enough time to help Lionel Desmond in the months leading up to Jan. 3, 2017 the evening the Afghan war veteran shot and killed his wife, daughter and mother before turning the gun on himself.