I dont know trump has divided the well america is in a state of emergency and im right in the middle. To see the deliberate. Shift but at last year ive been reporting from the white house on the president who says that hes at war with the media. You are fake fake do look at all the fake news back there thats the most just honest disgusting despicable thing the president is overseas. Lies insults attacks or does all this aggression and mistrust come from. You in all the Mainstream Media are part of the Opposition Party all right i dont lie but all this is now part of my life you are purposely putting out information that you know to be false i am only against the Fake News Media or press fake fake oh man. I i. Right now im on my way to the white house president obama said on twitter that he would hold a Big Press Conference today finally weve been waiting for this for months. This doesnt look good though the journalists are kept far away from the podium what the president will speak. To
Dont know trump has divided the world america is in a state of emergency and im right in the middle of. The sea the gentle brave. Shit but at last year ive been reporting from the white house on the president who says that hes at war with the media. You are fake fake do look at all the fake news back there thats the most just honest disgusting despicable thing the president has ever said. Lies insults verbal attacks what does all this aggression and mistrust come from. You and all the Mainstream Media are part of the Opposition Party oh why i dont lie but all this is not part of my life you are purposely putting out information that you. You know to be false i am only against the Fake News Media or press fake fake oh. My. I. Right now im on my way to the white house president obama said on twitter that he would hold a Big Press Conference today finally weve been waiting for this for months. This doesnt look good though the journalists are kept far away from the podium what the presiden