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Dont know trump has divided the world america is in a state of emergency and im right in the middle of. The sea the gentle brave. Shit but at last year ive been reporting from the white house on the president who says that hes at war with the media. You are fake fake do look at all the fake news back there thats the most just honest disgusting despicable thing the president has ever said. Lies insults verbal attacks what does all this aggression and mistrust come from. You and all the Mainstream Media are part of the Opposition Party oh why i dont lie but all this is not part of my life you are purposely putting out information that you. You know to be false i am only against the Fake News Media or press fake fake oh. My. I. Right now im on my way to the white house president obama said on twitter that he would hold a Big Press Conference today finally weve been waiting for this for months. This doesnt look good though the journalists are kept far away from the podium what the president will speak. To find out that the president s advisors had apparently urged him not to hold this press conference because reporters my true in the mood with probing questions the president as he had to celebrate his new tax reform bill we broke every record its the largest i always say the most massive but its the largest tax cut in the history of our country and reform but tax cuts. Really something special. We are making in America Great again you have to wonder whether aboriginal list are equally concerns about the lack of president ial press conference. This morning he tweeted that there would be run he had a poor spray he talked about it right now it doesnt look like maybe something will happen you never know this president. I visit my children something that you know one thing time during this present tense you know like you see. There was a time in the summer president time said the moon is meant to have a press conference and i canceled my vacation for it. That didnt happen so. But you know thats the job and being here and covering the story is such an amazing experience its a dream job for any journalist to work in washington and that includes me but my first year here was more difficult than i had to match and. There is a huge amount of interest in this and for dictabelt president a president who loves to catch journalists of gone poorly for current or otherwise destructed. Gregory coty works what a popular daily newspaper usa today. He certainly seems to have a strategy of using controversy to amplify his message he likes picking about what the press he likes sort of getting in there and throwing punches thats always been his personality back to when he you know was just that was a new York Real Estate mogul it was his personality one is the rabbit the Reality Television star and now its his personality as president and so yeah thats the sort of combative style that he has that is were all getting used to and you know actual people at the white house we we have three at usa today yeah ok but thats three people and then this for the president can you keep up with them well if it means that we have to take shifts i mean with that it literally means that we have a reporter who is at work at five six oclock in the morning waiting for him to to tweet off of the morning shows we have reporters you know working late at night to keep track of it all so that yeah thats part of it is just the long days is one of the big differences are the obama was a lot more predictable that there was a rhythm to the news that he would release. To. In the Obama Administration when the white house said that the president had finished work for the day reporters could step down thats no longer the case now that the president s trying communicates via twitter around the clock using tweets to ridicule the press despite the fact that he creates positive Media Coverage relations between white house reporters and the president s press secretary Stephen Thames to say the least. There are often heated exchanges during the press briefings if a reporter makes a factual error or the administration sees it as evidence of a media conspiracy. Afternoon. Does make honest mistakes they should own up to them sometimes and a lot of times you dont and theres a theres a very big im sorry im not finished theres a very big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the American People something that happens regularly you can say im not done you cannot say i cannot say that its an honest mistake when you are purposely putting out information that you know to be false. One reporter has made a name for himself by asking tough questions and follow ups brian carra. So who do you feel when you are called like. I think thats the most annoying frustrating. Undermining duplicitous unnatural unfeeling an honest does honest disgusting despicable thing the president has ever said and there is no way that he should ever be given any countenance for that theres no way he there should be any equivocation about that were here to do a job hes here to do his job i think equally i dont like democrats and i dont like republicans i dont like any of them if theyre in office then you should look at them askew or is h. L. Mencken once said the only way to look at a politician is down and thats if im guilty of anything its of that i believe that all of them are trying to sell me a soap and so for him to say fake news. That angers me to levels that are i previously didnt think actually to get angry except with my own children but the. But not everyone agrees with that insensitivity to the alex five five is the White House Correspondent for the daily caller a come seventy five website. Five is just twenty one years old he covered candidates trumps during the twenty sixteen election campaign. Because Fake News Media attacks that seriously just trump the really understand he lives cable news is where he gets his information isnt really books you know skim through the newspapers but he consumes cable news incessantly i mean cable news host told me trouble column after shows so hes hes an insecure guy you know hes the supermodel wife this be so unhappy so the fake news flash thats just hes just angry at a show i dont hes not like theres a want to people i think will unfairly compare a to an autocrat that he wants to ruin press freedoms one of the president is calling up reporters on the phone. The president s attacks on the media go down well with his Political Base im now in ohio to win the president ial election you need to win this state trump won ohio in twenty sixteen by promising to create new jobs here. At the show online treat good friends. Well good afternoon welcome to three thousand friends here on the way its kind of the debates could be fourteen forty eight for Tracey Winbush is vice chair of the mohanan county Republican Party she hosts a political talk show on local radio and she believes in dont judge from him that he didnt act on u. S. Soil. And i said the reason why we call it fake news is because its not all news they dont tell you both the left the right and then that you deserve for yourself whats fox. Nobody thats all. Countable you probably always a pleasure god bless you no more see you next time. After the show tracy enjoys relaxing in the cigar lounge shes direct open and charming and frankly i can understand why shes such a fan of the president. He earned my respect because of what he wants to do and how he wants to get it done he hijacked a Political Party and became president with his own agenda so hes not republican hes not democrat hes just an american who use the system for his advancement to the presidency and you have to respect that. I mean i but we have to admit that he lives right he doesnt tell the truth you have to admit he has is he has his own thought process of his own sure but the question is. Do we all lie also. Tracy takes me along to a Republican Party fundraiser mohanan county. Jury. Three five zero the latest polls indicate that the president Approval Rating nationwide is low but the people here tonight support him despite the fact that he hasnt made much progress on his legislative agenda. Finally for the first time the leader of our times theres somebody in washington who is determined to change washington thats why people are excited they want to they want someone to go to washington who can grab that place and shake it because its become so bloated and so out of control our news media is just. They want to destroy its owner after a. B. C. N. B. C. C. B. S. All they want to do is destroy them and they dont want to give them a chance its not a bunch of crybabies the election. But do the big u. S. T. V. Networks intentionally promotes negative coverage of donald trump is there anything to the president claims of bias. Will take you over here and welcome to the white house very special place. I dont like a lot of what trump has done as president so should i double check to make sure that my reports are always. A lot of my colleagues are asking themselves the same question including margarets talos. Brothers i feel very proud to be a journalist in the White House Press corps but i do think that no president or political leader could be successful what creating this concern this own he is tapping into. Some element of public dissatisfaction or uncertainty about the reliability of the media and so i think that is a lesson for all of us to be. What are the american readers concerned about and how can we restore their faith in what were doing while keeping focused on the coverage of the administration which is so vital bryan carr im in greece its a good idea for journalists to take a reality check on their profession but he also believes stats the actual problem right now is to president. In one thousand nine hundred kyron was jailed for refusing to reveal the names of his Confidential Sources he was laid to fired from his job for putting tough questions to president s george bush and karl rove has no intention of backing down now you know like. I mean its starting to thats. Right. Karyn says that after that confrontation he received death threats. I had one guy call me so he was going to kill me and one of them said he was going to deport me and i said but i dont want to move back to kentucky and. There they will were going to kill us and youre not going to kill me im not worried about me and worry about some twenty four year old reporter first time doing his job working in montana or south dakota right now and another twenty four year old who sees the president goes yeah lets go get him and were going to go and get a reporter and theyre going to beat him or string him up or something or kill him thats the guy you worry about. But right now the stuff of the daily caller on to concerned about hope that they are celebrating the arrival of can you call it. Yeah i know that youre. All excited for the conservative young White House Correspondent is highly ambitious this year. I think the ideal goal my dream always is the see the New York Times or the Washington Post or the a. P. Said say as first reported by the daily caller so i think you know you know destroy these. Mainstream media organizations like by working harder posting more and chasing stories they try find out thats pie for has gone to work for the Fox News Channel which strongly supports the president. Its clear to me that america is divided right now and so are the country. Media. Thank you write me back here. Im in the state of alabama to interview steve banner hes widely believed to have to build up the nationalist and populist strategy that helped donald trump win the election. Right. Then and quit the Trump Administration in august twenty seventh and his comments about donald trump in a new book are said to have angered the president in alabama i see hope bannon manipulates the audience and so suspicion and hatred against democrats the republican establishment and the media. We believe they are fake news. Wife right because thats the way lie. Why do i lie you tell me. You know i dont know if you tell me that im lying that you should tell me where im lying right there is like a lie. I dont want to go through all i dont even know that. Im so disheartening. Today i dont even watch them. And then you kind of know whether they did do or of course the truest when you dont watch them do. Some news from. Sources without having to listen to. I dont want to get too far into it but. I do how do you sources i just do not watch which should mean dont tell me you are what are you and you saw. Me of hell id rather not oh. Yes yes no its no secret i just dont know how im on my own. Want out. And ill say yeah. I do like fox news. Fox news and bend and snatch and populist website breitbart against c. N. N. And the New York Times meanwhile bent on has left bright spots and when i met him he seemed to be enjoying this conflict has struck me as vain and selfabsorbed. The institution of the media is theyre just another ever cigarette in fact fake news is the least bad thing called icon the Opposition Party what i mean and so thats actually not true but information today is part of fair discussion we all can answer is that im not a politician that means youre not the political process you in all the Mainstream Media are part of the Opposition Party you have an agenda you have a global suggest you try to ram down stories and try to ram down there or. Down down down on you you try to bother no no no i say from day one. We we are strongly part of ok were strongly partial but we say up front were parsonage organization ok. Meanwhile president strom continues to attack the media apparently as part of his efforts to draw attention away from the continuing killis in his administration. And the Ongoing Investigation into allegations of russian meddling in the last election but some media seem to be profiting from the conflict in iraq time says that digital subscriptions have risen recently many journalists see the claims of fake news and seen you since but not a danger. I dont feel that in the environment we work in that there is any threat to freedom of the press on the contrary i think that the press has in some ways theres this is been a a renaissance for the freedom of the press because the you know that newspapers have been hiring theres theres a sense of weve been reminded why we have a free press in this country and also you know. The press doing its job you know this despite all these attacks the press seems to be right now in my world stronger than ever i do think that there is a challenge overseas and you see it in the fact that a lot of foreign leaders particularly authoritarian ones have begun seizing on the phrase fake news to basically suppress information in their own societies and you know its a well known fact that some of what President Trump says gets picked up by strong men overseas whether its. In the philippines or early on in turkey so you know weve written recently about this phenomenon where autocrats are beginning to use some of trumps tactics. The president as a model for autocrats. I often get the impression that donald trump is damaging americas reputation. In meetings with World Leaders his comments and behavior often leave them shaking their heads. At least we have something in common. Its our job as journalists to report and explain these events. And the United States has been treated very very unfairly by many countries over the years and thats going to stop now from our washington correspondent alexandra fun naaman i mean i was sitting in the first row and i had the room the impression that neither is worth. The president seems to enjoy making shocking statements. North korea. Not make it work for rest of the United States. They will be met with fire and fury. Like the world has never seen. President trump delivered remarks that can be described as typical trump rhetoric hes threatened to totally destroy north korea if necessary. We journalists are being held hostage to the president s policies and sometimes its more than we can take. But this president its one thing after another. And when he steps out on his own he often gets into trouble. What does the president s rocky beginning signal a bald the rest of his tenure. Given the numerous crisis the world is dealing with right now its important for the president to promote good relations with the media thats the opinion of ben chang a former National Security Council Spokesman in the bush and Obama Administrations chang is concerned but not surprised when i point out that a lot of journalists dont believe what the white house sas anymore there is a crisis of trust that they dont believe that the white house is telling the truth how important is it to have trust without that basic fundamental poor and trust it makes everyones jobs more difficult but it also than i would imagine compulsion reporters to go elsewhere to seek information and this concern that the white house has about stories that come out with sources from different parts well the more you try to limit information constrain information. Restrict or change information the war that of the demand side the press will look elsewhere and they will find it i think thats the dynamic that youre seeing right now and its one that the white house itself has created. Sometimes i wish that we could just ignore donald trump and his lies and his tweets but of course we come after all hes doing worlds most powerful politicians. This is st charles missouri the president is about to arrive for a rally. Saying no. Thank you but it was. I expect to see my beautiful president today im happy about it its connecting with your nature. First time weve ever had a president where we know where he stands on everything so im thrilled to death not a politician hes a businessman so i move its concern as a journalist i dont want to be attacked this way id switch off like it is then you have to worry about anything im telling this story and then oh you know i see it and i think maybe somebody will. Have to vet. That concern about that not at all not at all i think that this is the first time weve had a president what hes trying to do is clean up a lot of mess. Thank. I told you that we would be saying Merry Christmas again ive the it was these kinds of appearances always fold the same script and that includes of course attacks on the media. See now the world is watching look at all the fake news back that i was there all right i have already i certainly didnt enjoy the crowds reaction in their stride. Ive covered political events by every president since jimmy carter or so im all. So why have you ever experienced Something Like that no but it didnt particularly bother me i think it would depend on the climate of the crowd but frankly because having covered politics for so long i knew half the people sitting out there. And it didnt bother me i mean i dont im not sure if its healthy for democracy for that sort of thing but its politics. Later i meet with some journalism students they work on the newspaper at their school. Im impressed with their analysis of the current state of jonah listen and the conclusions theyve drawn the politics. When you make us the press outcasts who are making the public outcasts because we are the instruments of truth. And dismay and in our country weve seen a shift in that direction and its it worries me as a journalist and it worries me as a citizen because i believe that that in any country of the freedom of the press is the freedom of the people if youre not big news according to what he says a lot of the time that youre not doing your job because. A lot of time calls negative press fake press and so if youre not reporting the facts then youre considered real news said to be fake news is just like its pretty cool. And never thought i would think of the word fake news as a bad soap on our but why not. Blame i still think i have the best joke in the world. Live. And long up to donald trump has left the White House Correspondents will still be here the plotting on the president s who succeed take. Place. Blame. The fast pace of life in the digital. Shift as the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information on the witness finds and interviews with makers and users. Should look next on detail to. Meet tons of stirring stories. It makes us laugh. And try. Tremble and smile to magical images. Be an emotion in a slow flame. Cino. Can see every weekend on d w c. Was. Shopping. Was. Living in the digital age. Today instagrams most popular hashtags facebooks messenger app for kids and an app for culture and those yes but first. Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning have made it easy to manipulate images scientists warn of the dangers and demand certificates to verify the authenticity of video footage

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