intending to do. i mean, the writing couldn t be any clearer on the wall. what i m asking, though, is if he waits until there s a mueller report, a chance to pursue the investigation as long as he wanted to. he got his report. that s now complete. that investigation did take place. can you then fire an attorney general and say there s no obstruction because mueller got to do his job. perhaps. but then it could be viewed as retaliation because if the report is sharply critical of the president or if indictments are handed down, then he could see to be retaliating because jeff sessions didn t protect him the way he has been demanding all along. we ll have to leave it there for now. thank you for being with us. up next, we ll go right over to the big board. the numbers are coming in fast and furious. see that map filling in there, in florida? we ll break down everything we are seeing right now. this is hardball. s hardball.
right there, 76% of the vote. so far in these small counties he s either matching or slightly behind. are republicans coming out to vote? i look back at the performance four years ago and gillespie just matching in some of the small counties trailing of the performance. it could be an indication the voters aren t turning out. if you re looking at the map now and you re in the campaign you re doing what you need to do. you re looking at the map filling in roughly up to 42% of the vote, you re ahead. traditionally in virginia races the republican take the author tham lead. if you re raffle northam you re nervous because this is close but the map s filling in how you want it to. approaching half of the vote in virginia. what about new jersey? the polls are about to close within a minute or two in new jersey. remember four years ago. 20161109 000000 Election Night in America/CNNW 20161109 000000 Election Night in America.thumbs/CNNW 20161109 000000 Election Night in America 001618.jpg />
potentially here. we don t know what s coming here. i want to go to wilmington. clinton was narrowly ahead. now trump is very narrowly ahead. a very competitive. so north carolina, again, there s enough out here that you can t make any leaps. we have a very close race and we re going to have a very close race. what about charlotte? that s heavily populated area. mecklenburg county, we only have 10% . if you re the clinton campaign, both campaigns, they re both trying to figure things out. frantic phone calls to figure out which precincts are still out. if you re the clinton campaign, you are assured that you ve got a lot more votes to come out of mecklenburg county and charlotte when you pull out to the whole state. let s go to ohio. we re going to keep at this. you can leave that up as we go to ohio. a lot of the map filling in here. to remind our viewers, almost half of the vote is now in in ohio and donald trump has a significant lead, almost 200,000 votes over hillary cli