intending to do. i mean, the writing couldn't be any clearer on the wall. >> what i'm asking, though, is if he waits until there's a mueller report, a chance to pursue the investigation as long as he wanted to. he got his report. that's now complete. that investigation did take place. can you then fire an attorney general and say there's no obstruction because mueller got to do his job. >> perhaps. but then it could be viewed as retaliation because if the report is sharply critical of the president or if indictments are handed down, then he could see to be retaliating because jeff sessions didn't protect him the way he has been demanding all along. >> we'll have to leave it there for now. thank you for being with us. up next, we'll go right over to the big board. the numbers are coming in fast and furious. see that map filling in there, in florida? we'll break down everything we are seeing right now. this is "hardball." s"hardball."

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