Salma Agha had come to Mumbai with the dream of becoming a singer and had reached Naushad Ali's house, where she met filmmaker BR Chopra. BR Chopra liked the voice and style of the actress at first sight, after which he offered the film to Salma Agha.
A Delhi court today awarded an over seven-year jail term to four operatives of Al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), a wing of Al-Qaida, for conspiracy to commit terror activities across the country and recruiting members for the militant outfi
New Delhi, March 9: With the arrest of two youths in their mid-20s, the Police in Srinagar have cracked a grenade attack that had left two civilians dead and 36 others injured in the evening on Sunday, 6 March. Of the 38 injured, Mohammad Aslam .