As posted Monday, BIO (the Biotechnology Innovation Organization) provided a link to the supposed compromise agreement reached recently to permit WTO member states to waive patent.
New York Times, April 28, 2021). But these are certainly not disclosed in the detail necessary for commercial production, and the complexities of production are illustrated in graphics from the
Times article, wherein the DNA is prepared in Chesterfield, MO and shipped to Andover, MA for mRNA production; then the mRNA shipped back to Chesterfield or Kalamazoo, MI for packaging into the vaccine nanoparticles; and then sent back to Andover for testing before release. While some of this complexity may be company-specific, it also represents the different technological requirements for preparing an effective vaccine. It is unlikely that most of the countries in favor of the waiver (except India and South Africa) have the technological infrastructure for producing the vaccine. And the company in India, the Serum Institute ( the largest vaccine maker in the world ), having the greatest likelihood of being able to reproduce the vaccine if the waiver is put in place recently was forced