Quickly. So is the very ability, just as we when you have seen one, the ig told us when youve been to one visit, youve seen one visit. Is that the same thing toward the vba . Or is there some across the country, can you expect the same metric . If you go to a surgeon in my hometown you should be able to get the same gallbladder operation you can in another hometown from a Board Certified surgeon. Can i expect the same level of scrutiny at one Regional Office as another one i guess is what im asking . I dont think no one can answer that question because we ship files all over the place. There is no accountability. I mean, if i did a claim in south carolina, if someone developed a claim in south carolina, i send it to florida for it to be rated. If the rater cant rate it because i made a mistake in south carolina, who is responsible for fixing it . So, you know, it sounds good on paper to move things around and all this kind of stuff. But you have to fix responsibility. You have to know
Six days after Malaysia Airlines flight 370 vanished, there is no sign of the plane and the 239 plane aboard. There are few facts and many theories about what may have happened to the aircraft. The malaysian military says radar shows it may have made a uturn before heading west. The search area may be extended to the indian ocean. A wall street journal report claims it sent transmissions after the plane disappeared. Reporter there is no sign of this jet. The search area may be expanding again going further westward away from the original flight path of this boeing 777. Thats based on some military radar that shows the plane may have made a uturn. They are searching potentially further west looking at maybe the indian ocean. Here is white house spokesman jay carney . Its my understanding based upon some new information thats not necessarily conclusive, an additional search area may be opened in the indian ocean and we are consulting with the International Partners about the appropriate
Rights leader who organized the union. Hosted by the association for the study of African American life and history, this event is about two hours. Thank you, everybody, for coming here. My name is alan spiers, im the npca has served as leading voice of the American People on behalf of their National Parks since we were founded in 1919. Its our mission to protect and enhance americas parks for current and future generations. We are a very proud partner of the association. They are hosting their 99 conference. I look forward to celebrating their centennial next european we have a couple of objectives today. About two hours to chat with you about some important topics. Adding a unit to the National Park service on Chicagos Southside would commemorate the industrialist capitalist. Merchants of the brotherhood of sleeping car porters. Connected topics. , if peopleet started could make sure if you have a cell phone, please place it on silent or vibrate or turn it off so we dont have birds c
Manner in which all of you were retaliated against, what are you members of the union . Will was the role of the union in terms of protecting the employees, your specific case, let me start with mr. Javier soto. What recourse did you have . I assume your remember. Yes. Okay. Essentially we are still trying to figure out what happened. What i believe is that retaliation for the whistleblowing we have problems with claim processing. There is no other way to address them. We found ourselves in that strange this situation where we have to rely on the union to help. That brought conflict. Server. Well, i am actually the president of local 520. And we have been as a matter of fact, in june of 2012 we had a rally to bring attention to what was going on. The Va Police Department had cameras and video trying to intimidate us so sure. In your testimony you talked about as a lawyer that in your free time you were defending fellow employees that were for one reason or another having difficulties w
Office . Chairman miller i was not present when ms. Rubens came to talk to you. I know her entire purpose for coming to talk to you into your staff was to express persons here regret for her comments made on that piece of paper. I apologize but im going to take two more minutes. On this note, it talks about arrogance. It directs a person to ignore a Committee Staff person and then it makes another derogatory statement about a staff person. Ms. Rubens came to our Committee Offices and when she did she did not apologize for that. What she said was she had told the acting director to ignore what other people may be saying about my staff. And youre telling me this person is still employed even though she gave a directive, do not tell an agent of this committee what was happening at the Regional Office. Chairman miller i will say again without question, without question we respect the oversight of every single one of you on this committee and in these hollywood halls and anyone of you who w