Actor Randeep Hooda, who unleashed a storm with the first look of his upcoming directorial 'Swatantrya Veer Savarkar', recently visited the nationalist's memorial, Swatantrya Veer Savarkar Smarak, to pay tribute.He had been invited by the .
Two persons were booked in Pune for abetting the suicide of a jewellery who allegedly shot himself. In the complainant, Neena Marathe alleged that her husband was repeatedly contacted by the two accused (Representative Image).  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
Key Highlights
The man was accused of cheating people and was threatened over the same
Pune: Last year in December, a jeweller allegedly shot himself dead at his shop in Pune. Months after the man s death, two persons were booked by the cops for abetting his suicide. The man was rushed to the hospital after his suicide attempt and he succumbed to the injury on December 27.