This Covid-induced complication reported in Delhi hospital could emerge as a silent killer
On May 06, India witnessed more than 4,10,000 fresh coronavirus cases and 3,920 deaths
Covid-related Happy Hypoxia is a silent killer
As the coronavirus infection is wreaking havoc in India, medical experts in the country are increasingly worried about mucormycisis (Black Fungus), a disease triggered by Covid-infection. According to fresh reports, Gangaram Hospital in Delhi has witnessed some mucormycisis infection among patients, a kind of dangerous fungal infection.
What is Mucormycisis?
Mucormycisis, commonly known as Black Fungal infection, is a fungal infection triggered by Covid-19. This infection often turns deadly among people in transplants, ICUs, and immuno-deficient patients.
New Delhi, May 6
Gangaram hospital on Thursday said it was again seeing a rise in COVID-19 triggered Mucormycosis cases – a kind of dangerous fungal infection.
Manish Munjal, senior ENT surgeon at the facility said, “We are seeing a rise again in this dangerous fungal infection triggered by Covid 19. In the last two days we have admitted six cases of Mucormycosis. Last year this deadly infection caused a high mortality with many patients suffering from loss of eye sight and removal of nose and jaw bone.”
Chairman of ENT department at Gangaram, Ajay Swaroop said the infection is commonly seen in COVID-19 recovered patients with comorbidities such as diabetes or kidney, heart failure or cancer.
Black fungus detected in Covid-19 survivors, 8 lose eyesight in Surat
Black fungus detected in Covid-19 survivors, 8 lose eyesight in Surat
At least 40 cases of mucormycosis, also known as black fungus, have been reported from Surat in Gujarat among those who have recovered from Covid-19. Of the 40, eight have lost their eyesight. What is this infection and who is more vulnerable? Read here.
UPDATED: May 7, 2021 16:37 IST
Black fungus can most commonly affects the sinuses or the lungs after inhaling fungal spores from the air (Reuters photo for representation)
Cases of mucormycosis, commonly known as black fungus, have been reported from Gujarat among those who have recovered from Covid-19. The number of such cases has increased as Gujarat sees an exponential rise in coronavirus infections.
Doctors at Delhi-based SGRH have observed a rise in the number of COVID-triggered mucormycosis or black fungus cases.
Earlier last year, the patients who reported COVID-triggered black fungal infection also complained about weaker eyesight.
New Delhi: Doctors at Delhi-based Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) have observed a rise in the number of COVID-triggered mucormycosis or black fungus cases.
Leading national news agency reported on Thursday (May 6, 2021) that Delhi doctors have been observing a spike in the number of COVID-triggered mucormycosis or black fungus cases in the hospitals.
Earlier last year, the patients who reported COVID-triggered black fungal infection also complained about weaker eyesight.
Black Fungus Infection On Rise Among Covid19 Recovered Patients May 07, 2021, 13:00 IST
India is fighting the second wave of Covid19 now. Cases are on the rise while the country is trying to figure out a way to get it in control. Recently Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi started reporting cases of black fungus infection. This is seen in coronavirus patients. During their recovering stage, the infection attacks the eyesight.
This first happened last year where patients were hit by the Mucormycosis infection. The Delhi hospital has admitted more than 5 patients with this infection. There has been a rise in the cases of this infection. In 2020, this infection attacked many. People lost their eyesight and for some, it even affected their nose and jaw.