Amid all indications that the Karnataka government will be extending the lockdown as the state battles second wave of Covid-19, Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Friday said he is holding discussions in this regard and will take a decision soon. The state is currently under complete lockdown till May 24. We will sit and discuss tomorrow, tonight also I m meeting Ministers, we will take a decision, Yediyurappa told reporters to a question on extending the lockdown. Responding to a similar question from reporters, Health Minister K Sudhakar said, several Ministers are of the same opinion, the Chief Minister is also of the same mindset, and a final decision will be taken by May 22 or 23.
Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Mangalore Banana Buns - A Staple Breakfast From Karnataka (Recipe Inside)
Indian Cooking Tips: How To Make Mangalore Banana Buns - A Staple Breakfast From Karnataka (Recipe Inside)
Mangalore buns or pooris is an extremely popular breakfast dish across Karnataka. Here is how you can make them at home easily!
Banana buns is a popular breakfast in Mangalore
Here is how you can make Mangalore banana buns at home
If you ve travelled through south India and have sampled enough of the local regional cuisine, you would know how it is much more than just idli, sambar, dosa and vada. Not only is it about some of the most flavourful seafood delicacies, but also has a range of mouth-watering street foods that are sure to impress your taste buds. One of the best qualities about south Indian cuisine is the use of the simplest of ingredients to make some of the most wonderful delicacies. Goli bhajis from Mangalore in Karnataka, for instance, only us