Mangalhat police issued the notice to the controversial legislator for making communally provocative comments, thus violating the conditions imposed by the High Court while ordering his release last year.The
The Hyderabad Police have served another notice to Telangana MLA and suspended BJP leader T. Raja Singh for making hate speech at a rally in Mumbai on January 29.Mangalhat police issued the notice to the controversial legislator for making .
Hyderabad police have served a show case notice on suspended BJP MLA T. Raja Singh for making derogatory comments on Facebook, thereby allegedly violating conditions laid down by the Telangana High Court last month.The police have asked the .
The Telangana High Court on Wednesday ordered release of BJP MLA Raja Singh, who was arrested under Preventive Detention Act in August after he made derogatory comments about Prophet Mohammad.While setting aside PD Act proceedings against the .