Now on bbc news, its time for tuesday in parliament. Hello, and welcome to tuesday in parliament. Coming up the chancellor, Philip Hammond, drops a heavy hint that he might vote against a new conservative government if it wanted to leave the eu without a deal. It would be wrong for a British Government to seek to pursue no deal as a policy and i believe that it will be for the house of commons, of which i will continue proudly to be a member, to ensure that does not happen. Mps demand action to support the protesters in hong kong demonstrating against a controversial extradition law. There were also images of fear and frustration from people who are increasingly desperate that the world looks on at their plight and will do no more than wring their hands. And the dangerous whirlpool tumbledryers still in peoples homes. One mother escaped with her baby daughter and toddler son. He followed me in the kitchen as i opened the door and saw the flames, i had to grab him, and get out and i had
Now on bbc news the week in parliament. Hello and welcome to the week in parliament. As the race for number ten nears the finish line, mps start laying down the law. The ayes to the right, 294. The noes to the left, 293. Members of the uks Youth Parliament hear about the risks young people face from knife crime. We have to be very careful. I dont want to leave that Radio Station and weve got 20 young men that have just heard this track waiting outside the front with shanks and machetes and all sorts. And all change on the woolsack but the lord speaker knows his limits. And i have no ambition to do whatjohn bercow does and say that mr brown or lord brown or mr smith. All that to come and more from a week dominated by the race for downing street. Not so long ago, mps would spend their evenings voting. Frequently. Usually to reject Theresa Mays Brexit plan. Since that ran into trouble, votes in the commons have been rather rare. So, when relatively technical legislation on Northern Irelan
In a row in hong kong. A stand off between pro democracy campaigners and police is continuing into the night there. Storm barry makes landfall in the us state of louisiana, where there are warnings of life threatening floods. Now on bbc news, a look back on the week in parliament. Hello and welcome to the week in parliament. As the race for number ten nears the finish line, mps start laying down the law. The ayes to the right, 294. The noes to the left, 293. Members of the uks Youth Parliament hear about the risks young people face from knife crime. We have to be very careful. I dont want to leave that Radio Station and weve got 20 young men that have just heard this track waiting outside the front with shanks and machetes and all sorts. And all change on the woolsack but the lord speaker knows his limits. And i have no ambition to do whatjohn bercow does and say that mr brown or lord brown or mr smith. All that to come and more from a week dominated by the race for downing street. Not
Now its time for a look back at the day in parliament. Hello, and welcome to wednesday in parliament. Coming up argy bargy in the commons as this Prime Minister faces questions about the next one. Will she finally act in the best interest of these aisles, not the conservative party, and admit that neither of the candidates for office should ever be elected Prime Minister . But shes not having any of that. Either of the candidates for this high office would do a damn sight betterjob than anybody sitting on those benches. Also on the programme a committee look at ways to improve mens well being. And. Puffins. Spring is carnival time for puffins. They get to these safe cliff tops on farms and some of the other 27 islands and turn from solitary birds to wildly social courting birds intent on finding a mate and creating the next generation of puffins. First, Prime Ministers questions doesnt seem to be quite the event it used to be mps no longer squish up on the green benches and overflow in
Half years ago, in a way it is insulting but were doing well. Lets see what happens in the end but we are doing well. The difference. And as far as china is concerned, we are where we are and we are collecting 2596 where we are and we are collecting 25 on 250 billion. And china is paying for it, as you know because as you notice our inflation hasnt gone up. President donald trump theyre speaking at a news conference. He was just concluding some comments saying that he thinks Great Strides have been made with relations with the us and north korea. But the big moment here is that he will be going to the demilitarised zone and we have been told he will be meeting the north Korean Leader, kim jong un. Told he will be meeting the north Korean Leader, kimjong un. And thatll be a moment very closely watched. We will keep you across it here on bbc news. Now on bbc news, the week in parliament. Hello, and welcome to the week in parliament. Politicians may have been getting on with the business