<p><span>Thank you, Vasiliki, for the invitation to join you today, and to the Hellenic Capital Market Commission for hosting this year’s IOSCO Annual Meeting.</span></p>
The high quality of a small number of faculty translates to a small and intimate program, development of carefully designed courses that are substantive, encourages collaboration across programs (e.g., joint academic activities between MSBA and MBA students), provides students with both theoretical and practical knowledge via experiential learning, and offers customized research and independent study courses that cater to student demand. Our curriculum and faculty are high quality but do not get noticed as much because of the small size of the program. That said, we have developed close partnerships across campus to tap into UC Davis' global research leadership in many areas.
<p><span>CFTC Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson, sponsor of the Market Risk Advisory Committee (MRAC), today released the agenda for its public meeting on Wednesday, March 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (EST) at the CFTC’s Washington, D.C. headquarters. Members of the public may also attend the meeting virtually. See the detailed agenda </span><span><a href="https://www.cftc.gov/media/8246/mrac 030823agenda/download">here</a></span><span>. </span></p>
United Nations Development Programme Administrator, Achim Steiner highlighted India G20 presidency and welcomed priorities that New Delhi set during its lea
The meeting focused on the priorities of the Indian presidency and the agenda of the financial track working groups. The meeting also witnessed a discussion of issues related to the global economy and the risks surrounding growth.