Rights. And i remember when president bush signed that law, he uttered these words. He said, let the shameful walls of discrimination come tumbling down. A wonderful day. And looking back over those 24 years, can anyone deny that our country has made great progress in expanding our concepts of the rights of people with disabilities, the right to be educated and welleducated, the right of people with disabilities to have independent living, to live on their own, not to be institutionalized, the right of people with disabilities to associate freely with others, the right of people with disabilities, children with disabilities, to go to school with other kids who are not disabled, the right of people with disabilities to travel freely with barriers broken do down, ramps, not stairs, buses that are fully accessible now, trains, everything accessible, every building designed in america think about that every building designinged and built in America Today is fully accessible. And we have go
This House Committee on the benghazi attack hearing about to get under way. While we have a second were going to take a chance and give you some background on todays hearing from a capitol hill reporter. Welcome for purposes of taking testimony pursuant to house rules. Chair will recognize himself and Ranking Member for purposes of making Opening Statement. Without objection the Opening Statement of any other member of the committee who wishes to provide one will be included in the record. A little over two years ago, four americans serving our country in benghazi, libya, were killed. Two of them were killed when a facility emblematic of our country was set on fire. And two of them were killed when they dared to fight back and defend themselves. And others. Sean smith, Chris Stevens, ty woods and glen doherty represented us. They represented our country, and our values. We ask them to go. We sent them, and they were killed because some people hold a deepseated animus toward us simply b
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