The Railway Protection Force (RPF) and Government Railway Police (GRP) have sounded high alert amid calls for Bharat Bandh on Monday over the Centre’s new short-term recruitment policy for the defence forces, Agnipath. The RPF’s senior officers have issued an internal communication statement asking all units to deal with rioters strictly. The policemen have been asked to book rioters under stringent sections of the IPC. Bihar police registered 145 FIRs and arrested 804 protesters on Sunday for indulging in violence and vandalism during the June 16 to 18 protests against the government’s Agnipath scheme. Meanwhile, Union minister and former Army chief General V K Singh (retd) slammed the protesters saying if they don't like the new policy for recruitment into the armed forces they shouldn't opt for it. Stay at for more updates.
In view of Congress protests over Enforcement Directorate s (ED) probe against Rahul Gandhi in a money laundering case linked to the National Herald newspaper, Delhi Traffic Police on Monday issued a fresh advisory for commuters.
Traffic in Delhi and NCR is expected to see some major hiccups today. Delhi Traffic Police issues fresh advisory on road closures as it expects agitation against the Agnipath recruitment scheme and Congress protest.
In a series of tweets, the Delhi traffic police has mentioned several routes to be avoided and said necessary arrangements have been made as a precautionary measure, reports PTI.