In a horrific incident reported from Uttar Pradesh’s Hapur, a 21-year-old pregnant woman suffered severe injuries after she was set on fire by her mother and brother. The woman’s family was infuriated when they found out that their unmarried daughter was pregnant. Uttar Pradesh Horror: Woman Taken to Forest and Set Ablaze by Mother, Brother Over Pregnancy Out of Wedlock in Hapur.
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. Pune (Maharashtra) [India], September 25: Pune-based Digikore Studios Limited (Digikore), a world-class visual effects (VFX) studio, has secured substantial anchor investments of Rs 8,22,16,800. The company has allocated 4,80,800 equity shares priced at Rs 171 per share, to three key investors: Business News | Digikore Studios Raises Rs 8,22,16,800 from Anchor Investors Ahead of IPO – Anchor Book Fully Subscribed.
The man had married the girls biological mother in 2010 after her first husband passed away. Incidentally, both are closely related and the woman s family belongs to Visakhapatnam.
KLANG, March 7 The High Court here today set aside a 1,050-year jail sentence the highest to date for a rape offence handed down on a man for raping his underage stepdaughter. Judge Datuk Azmi Abdullah made the decision after allowing an appeal by the 34-year-old accused against the.