Veteran BJP leader L K Advani said on Sunday that Lata Mangeshkar left an indelible mark of excellence in the world of music and recalled that the Ram bhajan she had recorded in her voice became the signature tune of his 'Ram rath yatra' in 1990. Expressing anguish over the legendary singer's death, Advani (94) noted that she was idolised worldwide and said the nation will
Veteran BJP leader LK Advani paid tribute to iconic artiste Lata Mangeshkar today with a touching message recalling their long association. It was her song that became the signature tune for his rath yatra from Somnath to Ayodhya, he wrote.
Lata's Ram bhajan became signature tune of my rath yatra: BJP leader L K Advani : #RashtraNews #Latas #Ram #bhajan #signature #tune #rath #yatra #BJP #leader #Advani Veteran BJP leader L K Advani said on Sunday that Lata Mangeshkar left an indelible mark of excellence in the world of music and recalled that the Ram […]