Mallika Dua, comedian and daughter of the late Vinod Dua, on Saturday, shared a picture of the condolence letter addressed to her by the President of India. In the letter, President Kovind expressed his grief on hearing about the sad demise of her father. Further, in the letter, he shared words of p
Vindo Dua passed away on December 4 after a prolonged illness following a COVID infection. He had lost his wife and Mallika s mother, Padmavati Dua, aka Chinna Dua, to COVID-19 in June. Remembering her father, Mallika wrote, I feel empty.
A few days after her father and veteran journalist Vinod Dua s demise, Mallika Dua penned an emotional note on Instagram. Mallika Dua Pens Emotional Note to Mourn the Loss of Father Vinod Dua, Says ‘Even at Your Weakest, You Gave Indian Journalism a Landmark Judgment’.
Vinod Dua dies: A pioneer in Hindi broadcast journalism, he had had stints with Doordarshan and NDTV. His shows, Yuv Jan, Janvani, Aap Ke Liye, Zaika India Ka etc were big hits.