The Uttar Pradesh government has challenged the acquittal of all 39 accused in the 1987 Maliana massacre, where 68 Muslims were killed, in the Allahabad high court. | Latest News India
The killings in Maliana, a village located about 10 km west of the centre of Meerut, had taken place a day after the massacre in the Hashimpura neighbourhood of the town, in which PAC personnel shot dead at least 38 Muslims in their custody.
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Allahabad HC Directs UP Government to File Reply in 1987 Maliana Massacre Case
Though PAC personnel were accused of massacring 72 Muslims in the Meerut village in 1987, the case is still ongoing in the trial courts as key documents, including the FIR, have gone missing.
The Allabhad High Court. Photo: PTI
Law8 hours ago
New Delhi: The Division Bench of Allahabad high court on Monday directed the Uttar Pradesh government to file a reply as a counter-affidavit to a writ petition filed by senior journalist Qurban Ali in the 1987 Maliana village massacre where 72 Muslims in Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh died. The case has come to a standstill in the trial court as key court papers, including the First Information Report, went missing.