untoward discipline. so, how is that making schools safer? opportunity is everywhere. like here. where nothing stands between you and your best friends.
newtown. a university professor studies these massive school shootings, he himself is a proponent of gun control but he talks about the fact when you talk about armed guards and armed teachers or other safety measures he worries about the impact, i m not a big fan of making schools look like fortresses because they sent a message to get that the bad guys coming for you and we are surrounding you with security, you must have a bull s-eye on your back and that can instill fear, not relieve it. as a young person what do you think of that? i talked to my classmates about this and a lot of people. the idea of armed guards has a lot of support and i want to say after 9/11, they added security because it keeps us safe, the same thing in schools and you get used to it, schools will add security, metal detectors, single entry points, armed guards and over time we will get used to it. it is for our own safety, the
school shootings. he is a proponent of carnaligu l control. he worries about the impact. he said i am not a big fan of making schools look like fortresseses that send the message that the bad guy is coming for you. you must have a bull s eye on your back. as a young person what do you think of that? i talked to my classmates. the idea of armed guards has a lot of support. after 9-11 airports added security. it keeps us safe. the same thing at schools. you get used to it. schools will add metal detectors and single entry points and armed guards. it s for the safety of our youth. shannon: i know the number of armed guards has gone up.
schoolsment to, more mental health intervention. we can do these the end of the among in connection with the spending bill we have to pass tell be law and schools can use that money in that way. you know for the first time in 20 years the state of florida passed gun control legislation it now guess to the governor we don t know if there will be a law are you watching florida and let itting inform what you want to do on the hit? i m glad to see what is happening in that we can take the background check bill. 50 was experience and add that to the spending bill and have that done by the end of the month. we can do that. our bill on making schools safer with council obors, et cetera. the hatch bill that is 3 steps we could take by the end of the among. that is action. you are talking about doing it. senator alexandria from tennessee, thank you. thank you very much.
that could feasibly theoretically prevent something like what happened in parkland from happening again? i m not sure the congressman mentioned a piece of legislation he introduced recently. i believe it was the safe schools act. right. my guess is something along those lines would are bipartisan support. if you go back to 2013, the last major gun control debate we saw in the aftermath of sandy hook, senator grassley and senator cruz had as a part of their amendment to that overall legislation $300 million over ten years that would have been dedicated specifically to making schools around the country more secure. do you believe, jason, he want to let you know, senator bill nelson is down in florida. we expect him to do something shortly here. if i interrupt you, my apologies in advance. i want to ask about this conversation we re having. you talk about something that needs bipartisan support and