usual the usual bunch of politicians coming on, though i m glad to be with you talking about what needs to be done. you and everyone else here in parkland has heard from the kids of marjory stoneman douglas. the passion they have for effecting change is real. they are not prepared to simply let this go. they demand action. i saw on facebook the other day someone posted 17, tragically 17 lives were lost but beware of those who is live. they re going to change the world. that s what s different this time. and i believe it in my core. on that, i want to play you a little bit from a young man i believe you met that you ve met over the last 24 hours, a young student at the school, david haag. here s what he had to say. let s play it. the state that this country has been allowed to come to through the work through politicians honestly just saying
this official also says, and this is a quote, that to offer a policy prescription before we know anything would not be the best way to the address this is issue. so in terms of next steps, we understood that the president might go to parkland as early as tomorrow afternoon, but in the tweet he sent in just the last hour, he s suggesting he could go tonight. i will be leaving for florida today to meet with some of the bravest people on earth, but people whose lives have been totally shattered. i m also working with congress on many fronts. to that point, a white house official tells us privately the president has expressed that something has to be done to address this is broader issue of gun violence. look, after the congressional shooting last summer, the massacre in las vegas, after the church shooting in sutherland springs, he hasn t offered any specific policy proposals that would address did the issue of mass shootings. he is expected to leave more lago at 3:00 p.m. eastern. it cou
like this happen in their communities. they aren t, of course they aren t. the outpouring of support from my colleagues shows that. they shouldn t have to endure what we re enduring here in parkland in order for them to want to actually show their care by taking action. i don t want this to be been whether someone accepts campaign donations or doesn t accept campaign donations. i want this to be about how we save kids lives. that s gun laws, addressing mental health, addressing school safety, all of it. put it all on the table and let s come up with some solutions. congressman ted deutch, thank you. our thoughts are with your community today and every day. with us is jason johnson, a former senior advisor to ted cruz who served as chief strategist on his 2016 presidential campaign. emily and john allen are still with us. jason, you must heard the conversation with congressman deutsch. what realistically do you think could pass congress right now
we want to talk what s coming up in the next couple minutes. we expect to hear from congressman ted deutch who represents the district where this happened and senator bill nelson down in florida, in parkland today. we ll bring both of those to you live. we want to talk about what s going on with donald trump. apparently he s going to meet with victim family members and first responders in parkland this weekend. the president will meet with governors, state attorneys general to talk about stopping gun violence in schools. here s the deal. these survivors from parkland are coming out and increasingly calling for action. that happened last hour. two survivors with a message for the president. listen. i would like them to know that this can t keep happening. there s so much wrong with this. i don t know how i m ever going to get past this. i can t even use the bathroom by
that could feasibly theoretically prevent something like what happened in parkland from happening again? i m not sure the congressman mentioned a piece of legislation he introduced recently. i believe it was the safe schools act. right. my guess is something along those lines would are bipartisan support. if you go back to 2013, the last major gun control debate we saw in the aftermath of sandy hook, senator grassley and senator cruz had as a part of their amendment to that overall legislation $300 million over ten years that would have been dedicated specifically to making schools around the country more secure. do you believe, jason, he want to let you know, senator bill nelson is down in florida. we expect him to do something shortly here. if i interrupt you, my apologies in advance. i want to ask about this conversation we re having. you talk about something that needs bipartisan support and