Staff Writer
Makayla Grijalva was born and raised in Las Cruces. She is a 2020 graduate of UNM, where she studied multimedia journalism, political science and history. She covers the village of Los Lunas, Los Lunas Schools, SODA and the town of Peralta.
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Brothers, Joshua and Dylan Jones each sporting a sweatshirt from their high schools during an April swim meet at Belen High School. The brothers, who have both been swimming competitively since elementary school, both anchor their respective teamsâ relay teams, putting them head-to head.Makayla Grijalva | News-Bulletin photo
Staff Writer
Makayla Grijalva was born and raised in Las Cruces. She is a 2020 graduate of UNM, where she studied multimedia journalism, political science and history. She covers the village of Los Lunas, Los Lunas Schools, SODA and the town of Peralta.