A case has been registered and a search is on to nab the accused, who is absconding, the police said. According to the police, information was received at 11:51 pm that a bullet had been fired and had hit one person at advocate Sushil Gupta s office in Govindpuri. Delhi Shocker: Man Shot Dead at Advocate s Chamber in Govindpuri Over Rs 4,000 Dispute, Accused Absconding.
The driver charged Rs 9,000 for 7 km to ferry a COVID patient.
New Delhi: Amid the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the country, there are numerous reports of ambulance services over-charging patients to ferry them to hospitals. A similar incident came to the limelight when Delhi Police arrested an ambulance driver who charged Rs 9,000 to ferry a COVID-19 patient for a distance of around 7 kms.
Delhi Police took note of the incident after the victim visited PS Govindpuri on Sunday (May 2, 2021) and alleged that an ambulance driver overcharged for shifting his elder brother suffering from fever from Transit camp in Govindpuri to Apollo Hospital.