The Commissioners of St. Mary's County (CSMC) held their regular business meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, beginning with the invocation and pledge, followed by approval of the consent agenda.
LEONARDTOWN, MD – The Commissioners of St. Mary's County (CSMC) held their regular business meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, beginning with the invocation and pledge, followed by approval of the consent agenda.
The Commissioners then presented proclamations for National Travel and Tourism Week, Small Business Month, Law Day, and National Historic Preservation Month. The Department of Land Use and Growth Management then presented their annual Historic Preservation Awards selected by the Historic Preservation Commission.
During the Main Agenda items, the Commissioners took the following action:
Approved the Department of Land Use and Growth Management’s amendment to the Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan for the property located at 23836 Mervell Dean Road Hollywood, MD. Approved the Department of Finances’ request to adopt an ordinance to establish an Excise Tax. Approved the
The program calls for the communities and panchayats in the participating States to actively participate in a range of activities, including the creation or strengthening of water user associations, the monitoring and dissemination of groundwater data, water budgeting, and the design and implementation of water security plans (WSPs) at the gram panchayat level.
While Istanbul’s municipal government is not taking any precautions against an expected major earthquake, scientists are sounding the alarm over the dangers.