The Uttar Pradesh Police officials are finding themselves in a bizarre situation as two women constables, posted in Gorakhpur and Gonda, have sought permission from the headquarters for gender change through surgery. 📰 Sex Change Surgery in UP: Two Uttar Pradesh Women Cops Seek Permission for Gender Reassignment Surgery.
Berhampur: Eight days after hundreds of people set Phiringia police station in Kandhamal district on fire protesting against the alleged involvement o.
Three men, including the main accused, were arrested on Wednesday a day after the gruesome double murder of two senior executives of a private firm here, police said.
Amruthahalli police arrested three people involved in the murder of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Managing Director
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday accused the RSS/BJP of spreading fear in the country and said they convert this fear into hatred but the Congress will not allow that to happen. India News | RSS/BJP Policies Aimed at Spreading Fear, Converting It into Hatred, Will Not Allow That: Rahul Gandhi on Yatra Entering Delhi.