captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having utis for ten years. you, cora, we make uti relief products. we also make proactive urinary tract help you. korea is a lyptsi tried today at your so no pressure. what one week from now, joe biden and donald trump will face off in what could be the most important night before the election history tells us that debate aides can make or break a candidate. so how is each side preparing? we have some new reporting and alberto makes landfall in mexico, lashing texas with rain. as much of the us is baking under a heat dome. fires in the west also claiming another life while a new report underscores just how badly we re facing we re failing to address the climate crisis. and louisiana schools will soon have the ten commandments displayed in every classroom. it s the new law of the land in that state and the lawsuits are already beginning. we are following these
The Aurangabad Bench of Bombay High Court recently opined that if a married lady is required to do housework for family, the same cannot be equated to work like a maid servant.
no, sorry, i m busy. and that s because he hates cleopatra and he sees that octavian is the one who is going to win. mark antony and cleopatra are routed at the battle of acteum. they manage to flee back to egypt but octavian is right behind them. it becomes clear that cleopatra s going to end up being paraded around in a roman triumph, which was the last thing that she wanted. she says over and over again, i will not be triumphed over. and it means that she just can t envisage herself as a prisoner, as anything other than a queen. hoping to trick octavian, cleopatra hides in her mausoleum. and has her maid servant spread the rumor that she has killed herself.