Hero MotoCorp has launched the Mavrick 440 in India. The bike is available in three variants – Base, Mid and Top, with prices starting at Rs 1.99 lakh (ex-showroom). The Mavrick 440 was unveiled
BHPian pferdestarke recently shared this with other enthusiasts.Just like most of the motoring enthusiasts out there, my passion for motored vehicles started with a humble motorcycle, a Suzuki Samurai (lucky to have experienced a 2-stroke motor) on which I learnt how to ride.
BHPian tatafanatic recently shared this other enthusiasts.Prelude:An adrift rumor in the campus was some olives were garnering undue attention from the ‘other side’ when they went about tromping their bikes, this was unacceptable!! I mean if jumping from helo’s, getting cramped into rakshaaks and being ridden in ambulances didn’t pump our adrenaline enough the above most definitely did, we needed to make an impact and we needed to do it fast so we got ‘Chetaks’ and them all in maroon.