Ayodhya s transformation into a global spiritual tourism hub with the Ram Mandir at its center is expected to attract 5 crore tourists annually after the completion of the Rs 85,000 crore makeover. The temple town s economic and religious migration surge will benefit various sectors such as hotels, airlines, hospitality, FMCG, travel ancillaries, and cement. Listed Indian companies like L&T, Havells India, Pakka, SIS, Allied Digital Services, Genesys International, and Apollo Sindoori Hotels have key roles in the Ayodhya and Ram Mandir project, including construction, lighting, compostable products, security, surveillance, mapping technology, and parking facilities.
India Business News: Discover why the opening of Ram Mandir Ayodhya is putting these 7 stocks, including Havells and L&T, in the spotlight. The Ayodhya makeover is set to boost tourism and impact sectors like hotels, airlines, hospitality, FMCG, travel ancillaries, and cement. Find out more about the companies involved in the project.
Jefferies said it is not expecting an immediate tax hike, considering elections, some post-election measures such as higher capital gains tax are possible during the year.
In Budget 2023, government capex saw an uptick of over 33 percent to Rs 10 lakh crore. For this year, market is expecting a growth of anywhere between 15-20 percent. Meanwhile, Jefferies believes that the number could be just about 7-8 percent
Government announcements for the building of new roads, railways, and other capital expenditure (capex) projects may have hit an all-time low, according to numbers for the December quarter.