Mahesh Babu shared a family picture with his wife Namrata Shirodhkar and kids Gautama and Sitara. Also, he penned the sweetest note expressing on how proud he is of his son.
Mahesh Babu was recently in the limelight for his Bollywood can t afford me remark and now it seems that the Sarkaru Vaari Paata actor has caught everyone s attention again. Twitter is filled with mockery tweets for Mahesh for promoting a pan masala brand.
To mark their special day, Namrata Shirodkar also took to Instagram and shared a beautiful video. She wrote, "My little marriage recipe : Lots of love mixed with humour, trust, respect, kindness and patience. Let it simmer for a lifetime.. Tastes better each time! Happy 17 MB @urstrulymahesh! Love you with all my being." 🎥 Mahesh Babu Wishes Wife Namrata Shirodkar on 17th Wedding Anniversary With a Sweet Family Picture, Says ‘It’s All About Love’.
Mahesh Babu took to Twitter and shared a note, grieving the loss of his beloved Annaya (elder brother). You have been my inspiration. You have been my strength. You have been my courage. You have been my everything If not for you, I would not have been half the man I am today. Thank you for every