Telegu superstar Mahesh Babu is celebrating his 48th birthday with his wife and children. The family is currently on a vacation in London. Guntur Karaam actor was wished by his wife Namrata Shirodhkar and daughter and PML Jewels brand ambassador Sitara. The family is currently in Europe, they travelled to London to drop son Gautam Ghattamaneni who is going to pursue higher studies there. Watch Business Today visual story.
Mahesh Babu s father Krishna, the superstar of yesteryears was reported to be depressed since the death of his wife Indira Devi in September. In January, he lost his elder son Ramesh Babu. As the news spread about Krishna s hospitalisation, messages poured in from all over for his speedy recovery.
Mahesh Babu s elder brother, actor-producer Ramesh Babu passes away at 56 - Three days ago, Mahesh Babu was tested COVID positive, and on Saturday, his elder brother, Ramesh Babu passed away at the age of 56.