Nationalist Congress Party leader and former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, who spent 13 months in jail in connection with money laundering and corruption cases before getting bail, on Sunday claimed he was made an offer in jail.
Uniindia: Mumbai Jan 25 (UNI) The Bombay High Court on Wednesday granted bail to Sanjeev Palande, the private secretary of former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh in a 100 crore extortion case being probed by the CBI.
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to entertain a plea by CBI challenging bail granted by the Bombay High Court to former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh regarding a corruption case in connection with alleged illegal gratification .
The High Court had given relief to the former Maharashtra minister on December 12 but stayed its order on two occasions to allow CBI to file an appeal.