The next Maharashtra chief minister will be from the Shiv Sena and the Sharad Pawar-led NCP has not demanded the top post during state-level meetings on government formation, Congress leader Manikrao Thakare said on Friday. Sources suggested that the chief ministerial post may go to the Shiv Sena for five years. Thakare also said that leaders of the three parties will sit together later on Friday to clarify some pending issues and also to decide the time to approach Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyar
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday congratulated Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar for taking oath as chief minister and deputy chief minister of Maharashtra. In a tweet, he expressed confidence that the two will set new standards of development in Maharashtra. “Heartiest congratulations to Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar on being sworn as CM and Deputy Chief Minister of the state. I am confident that this government will be committed to the development and welfare of Maharashtra and will
Congress-NCP has had long and positive discussions today. Discussions will continue; I am sure we will be able to give a stable govt to Maharashtra very soon, says Prithviraj Chavan, Congress on Maharashtra government formation.
Nawab Malik said that the core committee was of the view that the current President s rule in Maharashtra should end, and an alternative government should be formed.