The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested two individuals, Nitin Tibrewal and Amit Agrawal, in connection with the money laundering investigation into the Mahadev online betting and gaming app case. Tibrewal, a Kolkata resident, is a "close associate" of accused Vikash Chapparia, alleged to have purchased undisclosed properties in Dubai using the proceeds from the app s profits. Agrawal, a relative of another accused, Anil Kumar Agrawal, is alleged to have received funds from Anil Kumar Agrawal, with his wife purchasing properties alongside another accused, Anil Dammani.
India News: The Enforcement Directorate has arrested two more persons in connection with its money laundering investigation into the Mahadev online betting and ga
Bharatiya Janata Party charged the Congress with corruption after the Enforcement Directorate named former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister and party veteran Bhupesh Baghel in a supplementary chargesheet in connection with the Mahadev betting app case. Mahadev Betting App Case: BJP Targets Congress After ED Names Party Veteran Bhupesh Baghel in Supplementary Chargesheet Over Rs 508 Crore Bribe.
Gehlot lashed out at the BJP for publishing full-page advertisements in newspapers containing a compilation of news clippings on crime incidents in Rajasthan | Latest News India