The Lok Sabha on Tuesday took up the High Court and Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill, 2021, with several members raising concerns about the large number of pending cases.
The Lok Sabha on Tuesday took up the High Court and Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill, 2021, with several members raising concerns about the large number of pending cases.Initiating the debate on the Bill, .
Bihar: JDU, RJD assess below-par poll show
Published on
Mon, Dec 14 2020 21:27 IST |
Chitranjan Gagan.. Image Source: IANS News
Patna, Dec 14 : After an underwhelming performance in the recent Bihar Assembly election, the Janata Dal United (JDU) and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) are making an assessment on the reasons for their below-par show that hurt the two parties.
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is holding back-to-back assessment meetings of every Assembly constituency especially those considered as strongholds for the JDU in the past. JDU contested on 115 seats but managed to win only 43 which is 26 less than the 2015 polls. As such equation has not worked for the party in recently concluded assembly election, party s top leadership including CM Nitish Kumar are holding meetings continuously, said Sanjay Verma, national secretary of JDU.