The Delhi High Court single bench of Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma has held that while the court s jurisdiction is limited at the time of making a reference, it is not expected to mechanically refer.
Abkari Act Abkari Act, 1077; Section 57A- Offence under Section 57A is not limited to the holders of the license under the Act, but refers to anybody who mixes or permits to be mixed any noxious.
Supreme Court Arbitration Clauses In Unstamped Agreements Enforceable : Supreme Court 7-Judge Bench Overrules NN Global Decision Case Title: In Re Interplay Between Arbitration Agreements.
12 months time limit under Section 29A Arbitration Act not applicable to international commercial arbitration. TATA Sons Pvt. Ltd. v. Siva Industries and Holdings Ltd., 2023 LiveLaw (SC) 39 : 2023.
AAccess to JusticeFundamental right of Access to Justice - Abolition of OAT does not violate right of access to justice as cases will be heard by High Court - The fundamental right of access to.