to sensor his political opponents. it s now time for adam schiff to be held accountable in a court of law. we have a full detailed report. devon nunez will join us. and the plan to form a happy coalition government on capitol hill. the aoc can keep dreaming. plus a close look for the person the democrats would pefr to be the speaker of the house. hakim jefferies. later, one of you will grade yours truly live in our last call segment. you get to have the last word on the show. we begin with more drama from washington and the swamp today after two days, six ballots. kevin mccarthy has not gotten to the magic number of 218 to be speaker of the house. 20 republicans continue to oppose mccarthy. including a congress woman that will join us. today she and others voted for donalds. a rising star in the gop, strong conservative track record. cory bush, she referred to him as a prop and accused byron donalds of up holding and perpetuating white supremacy. he said his name being in the
battle not 2070. donald is right. despite the democrats and media mob this is not a crisis yet. it s not. should republicans worked this out in private before yesterday, yes absolutely. behind the scenes i spoke to many and urged them to work it out. they apparently didn t listen to my advice. is it a disaster the media wants? not yet by a long shot. nothing is wrong with taking a few days to decide to fill the important and powerful position in the house of representatives. there is another take here. unlike democrats, republican party is not cheap and will do what they re told. still an overwhelming majority of republicans prefer mccarthy for obvious raepz. he laid out his commitments to america. the maga first agenda. vowed to stop biden s agenda. he detailed