Best Media Info: Several players from the advertising and gaming fraternity stated that India is upping the in-game advertising scenario so much so that it becomes a mainline ad medium in future| Advertising News
Developed in partnership with Isobar, one can download the KFC app, click on the ‘Howzzat’ banner on the home screen and shout “Howzzat” as loud as he/she can. The louder you cheer, the bigger the offer.
Tech-based upskilling startup Scalar in collaboration with creative experience agency Isobar has partnered with Marathi content platform Bharatiya Digital Party (Bhadipa) to launch a web series “BE Rojgaar.”
Scaler, one of the fastest-growing tech upskilling startups, in collaboration with Isobar, the creative experience agency from the house of dentsu India, has partnered with the most loved Marathi content platform, Bhadipa (Bharatiya Digital Party), t