The Other God
By Anne Dachel
They basically reassured everyone that regardless of how closely a COVID vaccine was to linked to aborted fetuses, Catholics could in good conscience get one.
This statement was further bolstered by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in Rome, which is the Holy Father’s own doctrinal and moral office. Also, this same position was taken by the well-respected National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC). If a choice of vaccine is possible, the ones that are the least morally compromised should always be requested.
However, when there is no choice, the Church teaches that it is morally permissible to receive the vaccine.
May 11, 2021
Mansfield, OH Richland Public Health has announced a partnership with Maddox Memorial Temple Church of God in Christ for drive-thru COVID-19 vaccinations on May 20 from Noon to 4 p.m. The vaccine is at no cost for anyone 18 and older and no proof of insurance is needed.
The church is located at 1148 Walker Lake Road in Mansfield. The location will be using the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The vaccinations will be coordinated through the Ohio Department of Health. Registrations are required through or by calling 1-833-427-5634.
“When you register through ‘gettheshot’ you will be asked for a zip code but you can get right to the location by typing ‘Maddox’ in that box,” said Amy Schmidt, Director of Nursing at Richland Public Health. “But anyone needing help to get registered can contact First Call 2-1-1 for assistance.”
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MANSFIELD - In partnership with Richland Public Health, Maddox Memorial Temple Church of God in Christ, 1148 Walker Lake Road, will host a drive-thru COVID-19 vaccination clinic May 20 from noon to 4 p.m.
The clinic will offer the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the use of which resumed in the United States last month following an 11-day pause after federal health agencies determined the benefits of the J&J vaccine outweighed the risks of keeping it off the market.
The federal government is providing COVID-19 vaccines free of charge to all people living in the United States, regardless of their immigration or health insurance status, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.