Dean Palmer of Excelsior, MN, passed away on March 8, 2023 at age 78. He had been diagnosed with Primary Progressive Aphasia, a type of frontotemporal dementia that affects speech and communication.
The Other God
By Anne Dachel
They basically reassured everyone that regardless of how closely a COVID vaccine was to linked to aborted fetuses, Catholics could in good conscience get one.
This statement was further bolstered by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in Rome, which is the Holy Father’s own doctrinal and moral office. Also, this same position was taken by the well-respected National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC). If a choice of vaccine is possible, the ones that are the least morally compromised should always be requested.
However, when there is no choice, the Church teaches that it is morally permissible to receive the vaccine.