and the data that s evolving from israel, from pfizer indicates it looks like there might be diminution in protection. when you have that, the most vulnerable people are the ones you were talking about a few minutes ago, people who have suppressed immune systems, those who are transplant patients, cancer chemotherapy, autoimmune diseases that are on immuno-suppressive regimens, those people, if there will be a third boost will be among first the vulnerable, and a acip, which met july 22nd, they looked discussed that in some detail and might push us in that direction. let s talk about the origins of the virus. you and senator rand paul exchanged tough words a few days ago where each of you accused the other of not telling the truth. take listen to some excerpts of that.
pfizer say they re going to be seeking this emergency approval regardless. what s involved in the process? well, the process is really quite robust. they all submit all of their data to the fda, the fda will massage it for a while and then there will be a select committee that is not part of the fda but advises the fda, that will then massage it further and will make a recommendation. and almost always, but not always, the fda follows that select committee s recommendation. then it goes to the cdc where the cdc will massage the data. they have another committee that s independent of the cdc, that advises the cdc, called acip they ll do the same thing and, ultimately, give their blessing, or not, to the cdc. so it s somewhat serpentine, how they re going to get there. this comes amid rising cases of the delta variant causing concern here in the uk, also across large parts of asia.
at least partially vaccinated, and, thereby, those lives have been saved. i mean, the idea that in such a short time we ve been able to save 180 million americans, that s the news. and so for him to do this kind of anomaly and hold a press conference about that, how do you counter that message that he s trying to get out? first of all, i think you need to recognize that i m sure the families are hurting from whatever they experience. and i think it s important to acknowledge that. and you said just now that adverse events do occur. so we need to recognize that. but we need to put them in perspective. they are a minute proportion of what the benefit of these vaccines are, as you ve said. the other thing is that you re probably familiar with the cdc s committee, the acip who recommends all the vaccine regimens that we deal with. they are an extraordinary group of committed people who have been meeting throughout this pandemic practically daily. they carefully, carefully review these th
complication. these types of details in greater guidance will be provided by acip next week. if it was my son or daughter and they had a congenital heart condition, i would probably opt for one of the non-mrna vaccines in that instance. doctor, do we know why these mrna vaccines may cause this as opposed to the johnson & johnson or astrazeneca. we don t know yet, kasie, and i think that s going to be part of this deep dive that will happen next week. that is to say this type of inflammation, it sounds scary, i understand why it s causing some anxiety, but often it goes undiagnosed, and number two, 80% have required no hospitalization. the few cases that have have just required monitoring and medications like ibuprofen. this is not something that i think should cause significant