The budget council presented senators with estimated allocations for the 2025 fiscal year during Wednesday’s ASWSU meeting. Budget council chair Cleofa Vargas presented senators with this fiscal year’s approved allocation of $364,960 and showed a breakdown for the requests of ASWSU committees for funding next year, as well as the figures approved by the budget.
ASWSU approved a referendum to increase the student Chinook fee at Wednesday’s meeting as a result of efforts to combat reduced student enrollment in recent years. Referendum 53-01, penned by senator Isaac Velazquez, said the existing mandatory Chinook student fee is no longer sufficient to sustain existing service levels, due to decreased student enrollment and.
The Washington State Legislative session began earlier this month, and ASWSU plans to advocate and provide support for undocumented students throughout the next few months. House Bill 1889, by Rep. Amy Walen, D-Kirkland, would allow a person who is not lawfully present in the United States to be eligible for multiple licenses and permits as.
ASWSU senators unanimously approved the tech fee proposal for the 2024–25 school year at this week’s senate meeting. Bryce Becker, department of health and safety director, said the department is planning a sexual health awareness week for the week after spring break. “We’re gonna take some of the health money that’s in ASWSU accounts and.
ASWSU confirmed two vacant positions on the election board committee and heard from the University Affairs Department at this week’s senate meeting. The first nominee, Kendal Walls, senior business finance major, said she desires to get more involved with her peers at WSU, she said. She is hoping to encourage students to vote and recognizes.