Immigration. You said donald trump wants t enforce the laws so tha lgicall lad conclusion that mllio people who are in t cuntr illegally enforcing t l would mean getting the out but when you press t campai on that, thats what has to b worked out which a lot o ppl wh bee ihis pa attention to thi i awhile here code that building a doo ultimately n dpo t 1 millio w a i ameri a ar undumente its no ral code it using o head using common sense we have laws a rgulations f a reason we dont reall kno h t work becau w simply haven been applyin the thats bot democrats an rpublican its ver m lik y hom because somebody wants to com to you hom, yu le the in no, you want t know w the are. Yo w t kno who i the ar you s o daughter you understand who this person is its the same thing that wan to do w w wt proec t american peopl particularly at ti whe w know that there a peopl o there who want to harm u this is just common Sens Dickerson so i guess the lauestion, y hav a doubt that donald trump wi begi o