Immigration. You said donald trump wants t enforce the laws so tha lgicall lad conclusion that mllio people who are in t cuntr illegally enforcing t l would mean getting the out but when you press t campai on that, thats what has to b worked out which a lot o ppl wh bee ihis pa attention to thi i awhile here code that building a doo ultimately n dpo t 1 millio w a i ameri a ar undumente its no ral code it using o head using common sense we have laws a rgulations f a reason we dont reall kno h t work becau w simply haven been applyin the thats bot democrats an rpublican its ver m lik y hom because somebody wants to com to you hom, yu le the in no, you want t know w the are. Yo w t kno who i the ar you s o daughter you understand who this person is its the same thing that wan to do w w wt proec t american peopl particularly at ti whe w know that there a peopl o there who want to harm u this is just common Sens Dickerson so i guess the lauestion, y hav a doubt that donald trump wi begi o
Going on. And if you get this and show it so you can give it to a a neighbor. So important to have. Theres the 800 number. Make the call. You know we need to get into our churches and be working for thell we can for him. This is sort of good to remember nobody on his death bed ever said i wish id spent more time at the office. No, no. T more time with the lord. Looking forward to being in your home again nexexweek and until then remember god cares for you and so do we so very much. Lcome back. Ohio Governor John Kasich joins us now. Ever you supporters in su tuesday stat they would like to vot f y primaries happen, the shou get behind maybe marc rub because theyre worried abo donald trump make your pitch to them a wh t sul stick with yo first o all y t g known in thi country fo t fst tim a message binear these guys hav spe spent abou millio o te matter is l t mon they spe h bee designed to hammeegati ads against me were getti b crowd everywhere we g i wa j iurn out massachusetts, ieadi