In the run-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, Kerala's CPI-M-led Left government appears to be the first to be out on the streets as it on Friday announced a statewide vehicle rally, led by CPI-M state Secretary M.V. Govindan, against the policies .
In a significant political development, leaders of both Congress and CPI-M on Wednesday indicated that they would forge an electoral alliance in the upcoming Tripura Assembly elections, expected to be held in February.The CPI-M-led Left and the .
The war of words between Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan and Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has already reached unprecedented levels, and a new showdown loomed as the LDF government on Wednesday called for a special Assembly session from .
The Congress-led UDF came up tops when votes in bypolls to 29 wards in various Kerala local bodies were counted on Tuesday as it retained five seats and regained nine.The ruling CPI-M was the biggest loser in the elections held on .
The Congress-led UDF was at the top position when votes in bypolls to 29 wards in various Kerala local bodies were counted on Thursday as it retained five seats and regained nine.