what was your biggest take awa and examining the idea of what the american dream, this commonly invoked phrase by politicians, what it reall means in today s age o spiraling income and wealt inequality right i have the media nonprofit devoted to inequality, and the economic hardship reportin project. what i see a lot is this abuse of the american dream as a way to and shame more people o people with class instability, jovial class instability and this isn t how the america dream started. the american dream started i 1931 by john trussler adams, who argued for the expensive american dream more communal, more based on actual merit so what i see is thi bastardized dream which reward the already successful and the rich and punishes those who ar financially and emotionall struggling that is true of politics a
regular people to, judge his fate and this is not the kind o position he ever imagined. and those of us who ar protested him for years an opposed him for years, i was one of those activists tha protested on behalf of the central park five when he made an announcement calling fo their death penalty to be give to them. even before they had a trial he took these ads out. and we were lambasted fo standing up to these five boys we ended up being right. for him to not have to go into that same building and be range with those five boys wer rained in 1989 is somethin that he never imagined he woul be in that position. but dr. king says the arc of the universe is long but i bends towards justice. there you go. you interviewed michael cohe yesterday, he talked about the weight of prosecuting trump fo the paper offenses as compared to other potential crimes.
of his supporters here which is, if anything, they ar questioning the intentions behind the charges it s not changing thei opinions on the former president, certainly, ahead of 2024 many of them saying that the are still going to vote for him, and they have questions on why the charges were even place to begin with but in terms of where things stand in a broader context here, i want you to take you to this quick poll do this week abou whether or not charges in this indictment would change thei opinion on whether he should b able to run for president. you can see, roughly 60% sai it should disqualify him, an roughly 40% said it shouldn t. and when we look at who wa saying what s, alex, some thin that we are not surprised by the overwhelming majority, democrats say, you should be disqualified for its and those gop voters, bu majority of those who ar saying that it should not make a change or whether or not w could see him in the 2024 race alex that s extraordinary. three out of four re
meant because we said we l talk about it when we ge there. kim never made it at trial, the clear implicatio was that david was carryin around again the prosecutor portrayed him a a scoundrel who used his badge to get sex there s people he pulls ove flirts with them, an eventually he seduces them in court the prosecutor called the parade of women presenting them as david s conquests. more than a dozen of them were counted the flirting, the sex, he wanted to have women and his wife was getting in the. way yes he was an obstacle for th kind of lifestyle he wanted to pursue that s correct. and if the dalliances wit the women weren t enough t suggest motivation to the jury the prosecutor had something else, a medical examiner testimony that injurie observed on the murder daughter, five-year-old jill, who ar consistent with sexual abuse so now the little gir
the moral high ground in this conversation? they re monsters. sei ground how are they allowee the rest of us about human abo rights? ut humanso there s a propagandic ighting e from the beginning that the ukrainians are feisty,o courageous and are fighting for their own country. and we stand by their side. the reality is the complete opposite . the ukrainiansposite, th do nots war to continue. you nijinsky is not usin g a voluntary army. he s using a conscript army.sinc he is drafting these people who are unwilling to fight and have repeatedly in the lasrt four months, on three occasions increase the punishments for desertion or for peoplree who ar otherwise rebelling against this war because the ukrainians know that they re being used inr as cannon fodderes for the interest of other peoplecrir around the world. so it s a conscripret army. they re forcing these die inians to go and die in huge numbers for things thats it are not in their interest. the n what s in their interest is tos