brought against the trump campaign and a number of other trump world figures by a man who worked at one telephone voting machine companies that has been singled out by trump world conspiracy folks as one of the supposed villains behind their secret satanic ail lan lizard people scheme by which the election was stolen from donald trump. his company and he personally were singled out by the people who advanced this conspiracy theory. that lawsuit is proving to be a bit of a treasure trove. that lawsuit is also the basis for this reporting tonight in the washington post covering some of the same territory. that internal documents obtained from the trump campaign by virtue of this lawsuit now show that the campaign knew that these screwball claims about the election supposedly being stolen, all these lurid, ridiculous claims about the voting machine companies, the trump campaign looked into these things formally and knew they were false while they
Dia menjelaskan banyak negara tetangga yang mengalami kenaikan kasus Covid-19 setelah sekolah dibuka kembali saat pandemi. Riza juga meminta kerjasama orang tua murid hingga guru dalam penerapan protokol kesehatan anak-anaknya.
Mendikbud Ristek Nadiem Makariem meminta agar seluruh sekolah yang sudah berada di daerah PPKM level 1 dan 3 untuk segera menerapkan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka (PTM) terbatas. Sehingga seluruh tenaga pendidik dan murid bisa belajar untuk melaksanakan protokol kesehatan baru yang nantinya akan ditetapkan pemerintah.