The Lego Mars Spacecraft Exploration Missions set has an interactive element where kids can build following digital instructions and missions, making it fun for those who like online gaming.
charting a path to one day long and deep. the moon is just a few days away, mars is months and months away. on, board testimonies that will register the g forces and radiation exposure with astronaut set to board the next flight around the moon in 2024, then landing in 25 with a crew that includes a woman and a person of color. this is what the future looks like. astronauts working on a new lunar space station called gateway, already the gateway sections are coming together in houston. it will let us fly crew from earth to gateway, from there they will go on to the lunar surface. just this week, a new capstone right at the moon, scouting the best future orbit for gateway. this is capstone, actual size, it was about 50 pounds and has these deployable solar panels. the critical piece of technology is the antenna on top. communicating directly with an orbiting lunar nasa spotlight.