became islands inside of the floodwaters so they went around with boats and with four-wheel drive vehicles and you can hear the helicopters overhead, those are national guard helicopters, pulling people out of the second floor of dwell ensure and got them to high ground but right now the only people who are out in the flood waters are the people who refuse to go. shepard: thank you, mike, from pompton lake, in new jersey. and irene, what is left is moving through quebec with 12 states under flood warnings south of the line hitting folks inland not northeast particularly hard. that is one of the things our weather center was worried about in advance, or warning about. and now, what is the latest on the flooding? reporter: still a lot of danger across the northeast. there is the radar of irene making three landfalls, one across north carolina, one across new jersey, and another as a tropical storm over coney island. the storm is gone.
storm ever according to authorities as it went up the east coast from north carolina. now, this is the same sort of path that these storms have been taking up the east coast for years now, but the path had been 100 to 150 miles each shore. it wasn t so close as to affect people. ingwell the pattern this year is closer to shore. does that mean more are come this way? i don t have a clue but the distance from the east coast of the united states was different. jeff, thank you for the pictures, glad you are safe and able to give us context and perspective on an incredible hurricane. while airports are up and running, officials say it could be days before some folks are able to make it back home because when irene tore up the coast it delayed thousands upon thousands of flights at major airports and that create add ripple effect for travels across the country. i was supposed to leave yesterday and they canceled my flight. we are trying to find a flight. all flights are booked and
models all along, also, still very much in alinement, here, around new york city. shepard: that is an improvement in science. that was saturday while irene was moving past north carolina and the storm landed early sunday, right over coney island in brooklyn, new york. they talked, fema director was, how very accurate the models seemed to be but the science of how strong the winds will be is less certain. we getting better at forecaster but when we take all ofñi the computer models, some e good at forecast the tracks and the others at tracking atmospheric conditionsçó and others at predicting how strong or how intense the storm will be. for instance, the model was predicted a landfall across long island five days out. so i want to show you that area of uncertainty. this is tropical depression 12, to be the next named storm in the next day or so and this will become a hurricane five days
guard down. that is how you always are as a storm chaser especially in a situation with tremendous tunnel surge and storm surge as we had in the cape hatteras area. shepard: looking at the pictures you sent us and i thing of all, and here is someone trying to cross, that is a person not middle, all these people looking back on this storm because it wasn t horrible in their backyards, were saying, a nothing s, of cape hatteras. you tell that to the people in vermont or the people upstate in new york who in some cases i m told are still trapped. i mñr glad it wasn t bad in everybody s backyard and very sad it was so bad for so many people. these pictures are astounding. this is kitty hawk, you tell the people would live there it wasn t bad or the people who vacationed there it wasn t bad. this was a horrible storm. a historic storm. affected more people than any
kill themselves to get it done for themselves and neighbors and we will watch and be impressed and help the way we can, john potter from the newspaper in southeast vermont. continuing coverage of the hurricane aftermath including the economic impact and live with a storm chaser whom we spoke with during the storm and everything is about the northeast. never forget the northeast, the whole world centers around the northeast. ñrñr